A national initiative to maximize benefits of Sweden’s large scale research infrastructures:
MAX IV, ESS and SciLifeLab.
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About InfraLife
With the aim of increasing knowledge and facilitating access to large-scale research infrastructures in Sweden, stimulating cross-sectorial collaborations and advancing science.
InfraLife organise workshops, seminars and courses as joint initiatives by SciLifeLab, MAX IV, ESS in collaboration with SwedenBIO and LIF.

Questions or suggestions?
Do you see potential joint efforts between your organization or project and InfraLife? Do you have suggestions for future workshops, or ideas on how the infrastructures can deliver technological tools to adress research challenge? We’d love to hear from you! CONTACT US

One joint project
Making accessible infrastructures to benefit life science research in academia, industry and healthcare
Three infrastructures
Housing technologies ranging from genomics, proteomics, genome engineering and drug discovery, to X-ray beamlines and the most powerful neutron source worldwide
Countless research possibilities
With advanced technologies utilized as unprecedented tools, allowing research questions of greater complexity to be addressed