Education and Training
On this page, we showcase educational or training activities that are currently being offered as a part of InfraLife. We have also gathered some resources for education and training offered by the InfraLife members and other key players within the community around these infrastructures.
If you have any ideas on a course or any other type of educational activity that you think InfraLife should organize or be involved in, or if you would like to get involved yourself, do not hesitate to contact us!

SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS with complementary techniques can tackle many questions at the atomic and molecular level!
During two weeks in September 2024 the course was organised. Stay tuned for another course opening in 2026. Also, online 2 day mini-courses are held every second year. Follow InfraLife on LinkedIn to find latest information.
Education and training at SciLifeLab
SciLifeLab offer training and workshops for current and potential SciLifeLab infrastructure users, such as PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities.

Education and training at MAX IV
The MAX IV Laboratory contributes to science and development in numerous ways. As highly specialized methods and techniques are used, it can be difficult to know when and how MAX IV can be valuable to solve your problem.
Lund Institute of Advances Neutron and X-ray Science (LINXS)
LINXS is an advanced study institute whose mission is to promote science and education focusing on the use of neutrons and X-rays, to attract world-leading scientists for short-term focused research visits, and to create international networks.
The LINXS website contains several resources for training and education, such as a page with educational material, which collects informational resources from events organized by LINXS, or contributed by their community. It is also possible to find a calendar with upcoming events organized by LINXS or partner organizations, such as courses, webinars/seminars and workshops.
Hanseatic League of Science (HALOS)
Hanseatic League of Science (HALOS) is an EU project in the program area Öresund-Kattegatt-Skagerak interreg. The aim is to build a collaboration between Hamburg and South-West Scandinavia, bring together the four research facilities MAX IV, ESS, DESY and European XFEL, and create a centre for integrated, world-leading life science innovation and research.
HALOS offers courses, schools and webinars with the aim to train students, researchers and technicians how to access the high tech facilities and to prepare samples for imaging experiments as well as to provide an online forum for industry and academia to discuss and learn about synchrotron and neutron applications in life science and innovation.
National Nodes for Sample Preparation and Microscopy (NanoSPAM)
NanoSPAM is a national initiative to secure academic, industrial and public sector access to X-ray, electron microscopy and tomography techniques at MAX IV and SciLifeLab with focus on sample preparation, storage, sample transport, characterization and help with data analysis.
The initiative also aims to provide training in sample preparation techniques on demand.

Swedish Neutron Education for Science and Society (SwedNess)
SwedNess is a graduate school providing research training in neutron scattering and is operated by six Swedish universities, with the aim to strengthen Sweden’s long-term competence and competitiveness within the area.
The school focuses on four thematic areas; fundamental studies of chemical and physical phenomena, functional materials, engineering, and life-sciences, and its technology, providing a spread of expertise. The goal is for the graduate students to gain expertise in neutron scattering techniques by exploiting the different existing neutron facilities so as to be qualified for future involvement in the development of the European Spallation Source (ESS), currently under development in Lund, Sweden.
NextBioForm – RISE
RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. The mission is to work for sustainable growth in Sweden by strengthening the competitiveness and capacity for renewal of Swedish industry.
NextBioForm, or Centre for formulation and processing of biologics, is a centre within RISE with 18 partners, providing cutting edge research on industrially relevant issues for formulation and characterization of biologically based drug products. The aim is to deliver new and improved formulations which will bring stable biopharmaceuticals to the patients.
On their webpage, NextBioForm gathers seminars, courses and events about the centre and biological pharmaceuticals, arranged by RISE and their partners.