InfraLife Exchange dialogue –
Fragment screening
Exchange dialogue within “Fragment screening”
The first InfraLife exchange dialogue took place during the spring of 2022, and had the theme “Fragment screening”. This dialogue gathered different stakeholders from institutions such as Uppsala University, Umeå University, SciLifeLab and MAX IV. It took place on Zoom.
This exchange dialogue consisted of three parts; NMR and in silico optimization, the SciLifeLab CBCS unit and DDD platform, and the fragment screening platform, FragMAX, at MAX IV. These are summarized below.

Fragment screening using NMR and in silico optimization
On April 29th, 2022 at 10.00-11.00 the exchange dialogue included presentations from:
Jens Carlsson, Uppsala University: In silico fragment screening and optimization in ultra-large chemical space
Mattias Hedenström, Umeå University: Fragment screening at the Swedish NMR Centre
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The SciLifeLab CBCS unit and DDD platform
On March 11th, 2022 at 11.00-12.00 the exchange dialogue included presentations from:
Anna-Lena Gustavsson, Karolinska Institutet, SciLifeLab Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS)
Kristian Sandberg, Uppsala University, at the SciLifeLab Drug Discovery And Development (DDD) platform with focus on synergies to fragment screening
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FragMAX – BioMAX fragment screening platform
On February 4th, 2022 at 10.00-11.00, the exchange dialogue focused on the FragMAX – BioMAX Fragment Screening platform at MAX IV, with presentations from:
Tobias Krojer, Beamline Scientist & FragMAX Project Manager at MAX IV, presented possibilities and recent project progress followed by a dialogue to find synergies between the available infrastructures at SciLifeLab and ESS.
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