From one slide about the InfraLife project 2021 to full session 2025.
The InfraLife project was initiated in 2021, and that year Magnus Larsson mentioned it briefly at the MAX IV 2021 user meeting. Now, about 4 years later, one afternoon session at the MAX IV user meeting 2025 was hosted by InfraLife. The session program included description of the InfraLife project, the infrastructures SciLifeLan and ESS as well as insights about SciLifeLab infrastructure in Spatial Biology and integrated Structural Biology in Sweden. Two of the InfraLife feasibility call funded projects also presented their plans.

The session was one of several parallel session and had about 50 persons attending through out.
”It was very interesting to hear about the infrastructure MAX IV and very inspiring to meet the users”

The program (available presentations linked)
Session 1: Overview of the InfraLife project, introduction to SciLifeLab and ESS and dialogue on importance of collaborations
The InfraLife project (Sandra Falck-SciLifeLab, Magnus Larsson-MAX IV), presentation.
SciLifeLab research infrastructure for life science (Annika Jenmalm Jensen-SciLifeLab, Sandra Falck), presentation.
ESS/DEMAX research infrastructure for life science (Hanna Wacklin Knecht-ESS)
Structural biology theme at SciLifeLab Lund (Wojtek Potrzebowski-SciLifeLab), presentation.
Panel discussion about collaborations (Annika Jenmalm Jensen, Sandra Falck, Magnus Larsson, Esko Oksanen-ESS, Marjolein Thunnissen-MAX IV)
Session 2: Integrated structural and chemical biology in Sweden, a collaborative effort and scientific example
The exchange dialogue concept (Josefin Lundgren Gawell-InfraLife)
The project “Crystallographic fragment screening combined with in silico design to identify novel antivirals”, and fragment screening and computational methods. (Tobias Krojer-MAX IV, Flavio Ballante-Karolinska Institutet)
Integrated Structural Biology in Sweden. The SciLifeLab plattform, MAX IV, ESS, PPS, ProLink pipeline and collaborative services. (Cecilia Persson-SciLifeLab), presentation.
The Integrated Structural biology course (Esko Oksanen)
Session 3: Spatial imaging methods, a collaborative scientific example with SciLifeLab and MAX IV
Spatial methods at MAX IV (Bryan Falcones-MAX IV & Lund University)
Multimodal, multi scale imaging for biomedical research including Infrared spectroscopy (Oxana Klementieva-Luns University)
Spatial imaging methods at SciLifeLab and the project “Spatial biology across scales and matters – combining omics with element distribution and structure” (Charlotte Stadler-SciLifeLab)