Why neutrons for biological structures?
An EMBL-SciLifeLab-MIMS workshop on infection
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), SciLifeLab and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) arranged an in-person symposia on infection biology on 3-4 February 2025 in Umeå. InfraLife attended with a poster and a talk about the European Spallation Source given by Esko Oksanen.
The Infection Biology Across Scales workshop is the third workshop arranged within the intensified collaboration between EMBL and SciLifeLab. Invited talks covered topics ranging from infection imaging and antimicrobial resistance to the microbiome’s connection to human health and pandemic preparedness.

Structural Biology with Neutrons at the European Spallation Source was the title of the presentation given by Esko Oksanen, European Spallation Source (ESS) and Lund University. Here Esko explained how neutrons can be used to study biological structures with different techniques such as crystallography, small angel scattering, reflectometry, inelastic scattering and imaging. See full presentation here:
Sweden has many strong research communities in life science, but not everyone is aware of neutron scattering methods and their possibilities. Therefore it is important for ESS to engage not only with the existing user base, but also reach out widely to potential future users in Sweden. This meeting is an excellent forum for expanding the awareness on the future possibilities at ESS.

InfraLife coordinator Josefin Lundgren Gawell described the InfraLife collaboration and the infrastructure possibilities during the “Meet the facilities & infrastructures” session. Here with Sara Sandin, head of SciLifeLab Cryo-EM unit in Umeå and Sarah Kaiser, international relations EMBL.