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InfraLife at Nordic Life Science Days 2022


On September 28-29 2022, InfraLife participated at the Nordic Life Science (NLS) Days in Malmö, Sweden, one of the largest meetings for life science industry in the Nordics. This was the first time that these three research infrastructures participated together, and it was a success!

The NLS Days are organized by SwedenBIO, the industry organisation for life science companies in Sweden, as well as one of InfraLife’s partners. It is organized every year (with the exception of during the COVID-19 pandemic). This year, over 1500 delegates participated, representing 880 companies and organisations from 32 countries.

InfraLife participated as a joint participation with ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab, and we all shared an exhibition stand (booth). The infrastructures had participated before, but not together. Everyone representing InfraLife completely agreed with each other – standing together was a complete success! We showed that there are many synergies to be found between all three infrastructures and that together, they provide an extremely wide range of techniques useful for life science researchers.

The following people represented InfraLife:

  • Josefin Lundgren Gawell – InfraLife project coordinator and External relations officer, SciLifeLab
  • Sandra Falck – Vice Head of Operations (Acting), SciLifeLab
  • Lars Johansson – Infrastructure coordinator, SciLifeLab
  • Elin Jonsson – InfraLife project coordinator and Industrial relations officer, MAX IV
  • Cat Halthur – InfraLife project coordinator and Industrial relations officer, MAX IV
  • Magnus Larsson – Head of Industrial Relations Office, MAX IV
  • Tobias Krojer – Project leader FragMAX (Fragment screening), MAX IV
  • Pia Kinhult – Head of Host States Relations and Advisor In-Kind, ESS
  • Joanna Lewis – Public Engagement Officer, ESS
The InfraLife crew at day 1 of NLS Days 2022!
From the left: Elin Jonsson (MAX IV), Lars Johansson (SciLifeLab), Sandra Falck (SciLifeLab), Josefin Lundgren Gawell (SciLifeLab), Tobias Krojer (MAX IV), Cat Halthur (MAX IV), Magnus Larsson (MAX IV), Joanna Lewis (ESS) and last but not least, the popcorn machine (MAX IV).

In order to create some extra value (in addition to gaining insight into some of the world’s powerful tools within life science), ll visitors to the InfraLife booth received a cup of free popcorn! All they had to do was to enter a pop quiz with only one question: how many popcorn are there in the glass jar (see image below)?

We received a wide range of guesses, but only one could be the winner, and that was Kenth Hallberg from SARomics Biostructures AB! Congratulations Kenth! Kenth was only 10 popcorn from the correct answer (574) – very impressive! His price? A golden, 3D-printed corn protein!

InfraLife pop quiz! Guess the number of popcorn in the jar and win the golden, 3D-printed corn protein.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition, and thank you to everyone who came by the InfraLife booth – it was really interesting listening to you and discussing what ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab can do for you.

We want to end this story with a quote from Sandra Falck, where she explains why InfraLife is so important:

“InfraLife provides a platform and incentive for MAXIV, ESS and SciLifeLab to meet in the field of life science – and together with the industrial partners SwedenBIO and LIF jointly consider needs in the sector, and how the research infrastructures best can contribute to addressing these needs. New synergies are discovered, and capabilities are created – tools available to advance life science research even further”

Sandra Falck, InfraLife PI and Vice Head of Operations (Acting), SciLifeLab

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