InfraLife participated in the SciLifeLab site inauguration days to present InfraLife and meet the life science community through out Sweden.
The SciLifeLab site days was arranged during 2023 as a way to showcase local infrastructure and research and to spur national collaboration. The program included for example key note speakers, flash talks from the SciLifeLab Technology Service areas, and description of the DDLS program (Data Driven Life Science). Part of the program was also set for interaction and lively poster sessions.
The local infrastructures were in focus, with descriptions about the different technologies and areas of expertise further illustrated by interesting user case stories. In addition, parallell sessions were hosted by the three SciLifeLab Capabilities, Planetary Biology, Precision Medicine and Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness.
Thank you all hosting SciLifeLab sites for interesting programs and engaging meetings.
Read more about the inauguration days here:

Attending the SciLifeLab days was a great way to get introduced to the local infrastructures and research initiatives and meet the extended SciLifeLab network. /Claire Lyons, InfraLife coordinator