During the NLS Days 2022, we asked everyone representing InfraLife at the meeting the question: “Why is InfraLife important?” Read their answers below!
InfraLife is a joint project between SciLifeLab, European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV with the vision to strengthen Sweden as a leading nation in life science. Our mission is to improve the knowledge and availability of research infrastructure and making it accessible to life science researchers in academia, industry and healthcare.
The project is governed by a steering group comprising representatives from all three infrastructures (ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab) and partner organizations SwedenBIO and Lif. The main work is performed by the project group, also with representatives from all three infrastructures, including the InfraLife coordinators.
During September 28-29, 2022, InfraLife jointly participated at the NLS Days with ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab. InfraLife and the infrastructures were represented by the project group in addition to Pia Kinhult and Joanna Lewis from ESS, and Tobias Krojer, MAX IV.
Below you will find some voices from these InfraLife representatives talking about why InfraLife is important.

“InfraLife creates a continuous flow of information and exchange between the three large research infrastructures in Sweden. We inspire and learn from each other, create value, content and become a strong voice in the life science community”
Josefin Lundgren Gawell, InfraLife coordinator, member of InfraLife project group, and External Relations Officer, SciLifeLab
“InfraLife facilitates collaboration between ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab where we can learn from each other in terms of scientific excellence, user friendlyness and accessiblity, thereby making InfraLife an important part of the Swedish life science community”
Elin Jonsson, InfraLife coordinator, member of InfraLife project group and Industrial Relations Officer, MAX IV

“Sweden has amazing research infrastructures and scientific resources that create value for the life science community. Through the InfraLife project we create even more value for our users, by building on the synergies between our facilities”
Cat Halthur, previous InfraLife coordinator and member of InfraLife project group, and previous Industrial Relations Officer, MAX IV
“InfraLife provides a platform and incentive for MAX IV, ESS and SciLifeLab to meet in the field of life science – and together with the industrial partners SwedenBio and LIF jointly consider needs in the sector, and how the research infrastructures best can contribute to addressing these needs. New synergies are discovered, and capabilities are created – tools available to advance life science research even further!”
Sandra Falck, Vice Head of Operations, SciLifeLab and member of InfraLife project group

“InfraLife is very valuable for ESS for networking with the Swedish life science landscape. Even though ESS is an European organisation, it is very important for us to connect to the Swedish national infrastructures and the wider life science community as, once in operations, ESS will be a game-changer that will provide unique research opportunities for the Swedish life science community”
Esko Oksanen, Instrument scientist, Macromolecular Crystallography, ESS and member of InfraLife project group
“Together we can guide researchers to the worlds most powerful tools for life science research and development”
Magnus Larsson, Head of Industrial Relations Office, MAX IV and member of InfraLife project group

“The InfraLife structural biology course is a great example of joint SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS forces, aiming at educating the next-generation scientists in cutting edge technologies offered by the infrastructures”
Lars Johansson, Infrastructure Coordinator, SciLifeLab and member of InfraLife project group
“InfraLife is an amazing platform for meeting fellow drug hunters. It has helped me finding new collaborators and introduced me to the Nordic chemical biology ecosystem”
Tobias Krojer, Project manager FragMAX and Beamline scientist, MAX IV

“It is important for ESS in the next few years to work together in the Infralife network to increase awareness, build the community and connect academia, industry and clinics”
Pia Kinhult, Head of Host States Relations and Advisor In-Kind, ESS and previous chair of InfraLife Steering group
Do you have any questions, or just want to talk to us?